Oracle Tutorials

The architecture of Oracle RDBMS is client server architecture.

This architecture is supported by network communications based on the client communications with RDBMS (Database). Shared Memory created and allocated by Operating Syastem (OS) for inter process communication (IPC).

The network configuration is supported by

1. listener.ora

2. tnsnames.ora

3. sqlnet.ora

Based on the Oracle Docs, the process configuration:


   Listener for the RDBMS Confifuration is to be done to validate the incoming client process for communication with the database server. The listener configuration depends on

    01. protocol of the communication - TCP/IP or IPC

    02. hostname - the server that is hosting the RDBMS

    03. port - port on which the listener is hearing the taps by the client processes.

    The host is identified by name or physical/virtual IP on TCP protocol.

This is achieved by the configuration of "Network Interface Controller (NIC)" configuration and activating the service

The incoming client process, initiates another in the server with the details of the listener protocol, host, and port (as identified in the configuration of oracle listener process) number. The server process carrying the process (TCP supported) port number establishes (with a shake hand with listener process). The listener after due validation communicates with the RDBMS Server and the server (RDBMS) creates a session within the database. That session excutes

the DDL, DML commands as required by client and hands over the output to the client process and completes its role. Even after satisfying the query, the session can continue the session for further queries and communications.


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